FFY 2023 Program of Projects (For Information Only)
Projects Anticipated to be submitted with the FFY 2023 5307 GrantThe POP is the list of projects programmed in COLTS’s State Metropolitan Transportation Improvement
Program (STIP) proposed by a grant recipient to be funded from the area’s Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Section 5307 in the current fiscal year.
Some of these projects have been administratively amended in the STIP this year. Although federal rules do not require public review for the approval of administrative modifications, FTA requires that any changes to the POP be circulated for public review as a condition of grant approval. Public notice of public involvement activities and time established for public review and comments on the STIP will satisfy the POP requirements, as defined in FTA Circular 9030.1E. The STIP can be reviewed any time by visiting COLTS’ Administrative Building at 800 North South Road, Scranton, PA 18504.
If you have any comments or questions regarding the following projects, please call the COLTS business office at 570-346-2061 Ext. 1264.