COLTS to Service Keystone Industrial Park, Offering More Opportunities for Employees
Another Route to Service CANPACK and Mid Valley Drive
Scranton, Pa. – Beginning May 17 , the County of Lackawanna Transit System will service the Keystone Industrial Park on the #12 Jessup route.
“We were very pleased to reroute a current bus in so that it can get employees of multiple businesses within the Keystone Industrial Park to work,” said Executive Director Bob Fiume. “COLTS has been working diligently to expand service to industrial parks over the past few years.”
The Jessup bus will now service the Park twice in the morning and three times in the afternoon. The official stop listed on the schedule is Barry Callebaut, but there are three other stops available within the Park.
A new route that will serve CANPACK and Mid Valley Drive is also starting May 17. There will be both an inbound and an outbound trip in the morning and in the afternoon. CANPACK purchased passes in bulk for employees to utilize the ser-vice, guaranteeing ridership on the temporary route. The #16 Mid Valley Special meets up with the #11 Mid Valley Industrial Parks and #12 Jessup at the Jessup Youth Sports Complex.
CLICK HERE for press release.