January Route Changes

Route Changes
Effective Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
♦#52 Carbondale: This bus is back on Wyoming Avenue and former route; turns on Green Ridge St. to Sanderson Ave. (instead of Delaware St. to Sanderson) and on to regular route.
NEW #52 Carbondale Effective 1/11/21
♦#54 Dickson City via North Main Ave.: The former Green Ridge/Dickson City is rerouted and renamed; this route will cover Geisinger at Mount Pleasant and travel Main Avenue from Scranton to Dickson City.
NEW #54 Dickson City via North Main Ave. Effective 1/11/21
♦#11 Mid Valley Industrial Parks: The van will now turn around at The TekRidge Center and return to Alberigi Drive rather than continuing on to Sunnyside Drive.
– It will make a right from Alberigi Drive onto Moosic Lake Road (Route 247) and return to regular route.
– There is a change to the timetable, with the bus leaving Dickson City Giant Market at :35 past the hour outbound and leaving Jessup Youth Sports Complex at :10 past the hour inbound.
NEW #11 Mid Valley Industrial Parks Effective 1/11/21
♦#41 High Works: schedule change for the weekday Inbound via Oak time point at Oak and North Main Ave.; the bus will now get to that timepoint at either :13 or :48 past the hour. The weekday Inbound via Delaware Towers is not affected.
NEW #41 High Works (eff. 1/11/21) Effective 1/11/21